Pewter Casting Workshop

I did a workshop in pewter casting – the first cast we did was from a design that we had to engrave into a block of plaster – this was quite easy if you had a simple design. I then did a cast of some plastic shells – because these weren’t flat I had to…

Key Posts Documentation/Contextualisation

Here are my key posts so far from field – Documentation: Individual Work Rust Prints- Wax and Rust – Plaster and Rust – Natural Dyes – Large Scale Pieces – Contextualisation: Mike Perry – Alice Fox – Terry Setch – May Babcock – Anselm Kiefer – Other Key Posts –  Paired Work – Group Work…

Mixed Media Experiments

For my formative assessment I decided to produce some larger scale mixed media work after being inspired by Anselm Kiefer – I felt that the combination of materials and creating layers may help me to develop my rust print samples into an actual final piece. There is quite a diversity in the style of work…

Natural Dye

I thought it would be interesting to experiment with other objects that can naturally dye things. I looked at various blog posts about how to do this and what things I could use and the most common way was to wrap the object in material and to steam it in a saucepan for and hour….

Anselm Kiefer Research

The artist is most know for his large scale paintings that focused on German history, myths and the holocaust. He uses heavy impasto (layering of paint), lead, glass, dried flowers and hay. He often uses books as his subject matter as they symbolise knowledge and civilisation. I chose to research this artist as I was…

Layering Rust Prints

For these experiments I wanted to see what the prints would look like if I was to do them on different paper/flat surfaces. I stitched together different materials including a brown paper bag, newspaper chocolate wrapper, bubble wrap, envelope and magazines. The prints weren’t as effective as I’d have liked them to be…I think this…

Rust and Plaster

I got the idea of casting the rusty objects in plaster after a friend of mine cast her collograph print in plaster – the effects of the textures mixed with the different strengths of ink looked rather interesting. I poured plaster into old Tupperware boxes and waited until it had almost set before placing the…

Rust and Wax

After speaking with my tutor, she suggested I experiment further with my prints to see how the rust looks on different surfaces. For these experiments I took wax rubbings of the tools I had been using. I used various different coloured wax crayons and oil pastels to see how they would resist the rust prints…

May Babcock Research

This is another artist similar to Alice Fox. As well as printmaking she also makes her own paper which I think adds another dimension to the prints… it makes the light come through the prints which I think adds to the ghostly effect. I also think making my own paper to print on would also…

Sue Hotchkis Research

After looking at the artist Terry Setch, I went onto look at fiber art and textile artists. I particularly found the artist Sue Hotchkis interesting as her work develops organically through the build up of layers from 2d into 3d abstract ‘fragmented’ forms – her work evolves over time and is linked to the process…