Rust Prints and Photoshop

I took to photoshop in order to develop my prints. I felt like the mixed media pieces I had done previously need to be on a much bigger scale in order for me to achieve the same effect and depth/density that my smaller rust prints had. So in the meantime I layered some of my…

Defining 1D

I found this one really hard to define in my own way. So I came up with the definition that 1d is something which has no depth, or scope. It’s just flat…so perhaps being in a 1 dimensional world means we cannot experience reality or use our senses. Ivor Davies’ collages helped me to define…

Defining 4D

I found it difficult to define 4d within the museum itself as you can’t really use all your senses…it’s mainly only sight and sound. I felt that the piece in the museum that was the closest to this was Ivor Davies’ sound installation with video of explosions. As well as his pieces about destruction, having…

Constellation – Museum 2

So from this piece of text I understood that there was a show where the actor left the audience questioning about a photograph of his wife. They haven’t been left with any answers about the context of the picture just questions.   One thing in the museum that always has me asking questions is the…

Constellation – Museum 1

The piece of writing we were given repeats the idea of reflection and the theme of phenomenon which I think is meant to represent reality. I think the text highlights the fact that in order to understand reality we need to reflect on certain things? This sort of links back to the whole being aware…


We looked at an article about how females are exploited in the comic industry and are created to be sexual objects. It is an unrealistic representation of females and younger viewers are therefore led to believe that this is what a real women should be like. I think a lot of this is the same…


Today we looked at different definitions of words and discussed our own definitions whilst staying away from literal meanings. Transparency: Being able to see through things, the truth, something to be clear to you. Dreams: are dreams transparent? We have dreams that are sometimes very dark, or maybe highlight certain things that we are worried…

Further Painting Experiments

After looking at more expressive artists I did some quick paintings in an ‘automatic’ style. This means that the paintings weren’t really planned, so instead of painting what i thought i painted what i felt. I feel like these paintings worked a lot better as they are a lot looser and stronger for that matter….

Mary Abbott

This is another abstract expressionist whose work i have recently been looking at. I particularly like her combination of bigger/bolder marks and blocks of colour which contrasts with the more tentative lines.

Sander Steins

His work is mostly inspired by new threats such as overpopulation and the ‘blurring of traditional values’ due to the internet. He is also very much inspired by factories and how we should be using our knowledge to prolong and ensure a future on this planet. As well as using traditional techniques such as pencils,…