Documentation: Material Projects 1 and 2 -   and Workshop – Painting Inside Outside Development- Sculptural Inside Outside Development – Field – Context: Gallery – Big Question – Inside Outside Book/Artwork – Inside Outside Book/Artwork – Constellation (the bit in bold at the bottom) –  

Field Final Piece – Development

After the conferences we attended I got paired with another student whose work was looking at mindfulness and wellbeing. We produced a hanging spiral sculpture together to represent the positive and negative thoughts. We then made some work based on this – I didn’t really feel like the work I produced was necessarily that successful…

Painting Inside Outside Final Piece – Development

For these pieces I decided to work on my painting as this is something I struggle with and personally didn’t feel very confident with. Again I was working with the idea of self portrait…but this time whether I can ever produce a true representation of myself. This links to the inside outside brief as it…

Sculptural Inside Outside Final Piece – Development

I decided to base both of my inside outside pieces on ‘self portrait’ but wanted to represent myself in a nontraditional way. At first it was hard finding a way of expressing myself that I felt was comfortable and honest. I started by just doing a few sculptural experiments using different symbols and representations e.g….

Field Final Piece

The first piece I did on fabric took me about 4 days to complete as I had to print it in sections. For this piece I just copied the same process I had done when printing onto paper – I laid the rusty objects onto wet fabric, sprayed with vinegar and left for up to…

Sculpture Final Piece Finished

  I didn’t really end up adding anything else to my head sculptures as I liked the raw quality they had to them – however, I did accentuate and build up areas so that the finger marks and indentations were more visible. Overall I think they look quite effective; the second one I did worked…


  I did these quick monoprints as experimental studies of heads, looking at different shapes and textures and something a bit more fun than just sketches. For these prints I painted onto a printing plate and then pressed the paper on top each time. I found myself often simplifying the face but accentuating certain features…


  Drawing people is something I really struggle with because I can never get the shading to look 3D – these are some quick sketches I did from photos, they’re in the order thay I did them. You can clearly see there is some improvement from my first drawing to my last one. I think…

Henry Moore and Francis Bacon

I couldn’t really create a figurative sculpture without looking again at the work of Henry Moore. Upon looking at his work again i’ve noticed a few similarities between his and Francis Bacon’s work – after the war they were infact exhibited together and there has also been a recent exhibition of the pair at the…

Erik Gronborg

For some reason this is the only sculpture of this type that I can find of Gronborg’s on the internet.. I think I’ve seen this before or looked at it for another project but I really love the textural quality to this piece. It almost reminds me of the silhouettes of injured war veterans. Again,…