Collaborative Cooking Art

In this workshop we made a curry as a class to explore cooking as a community and how this can be recorded. The main focus for this was to work together and focus on the process rather than the final product – each of us bought ingredients and had set roles – I bought peppers…


At the start of this workshop we were given artists whose work might be of some interest to us as they use techniques/manipulate rules of photography which we could also use when doing our own photomarathon. For example, we looked at artist that use perspective, light, foucs, composition, concept and ideas in different ways. We…

Recording The Body

Unfortunately I missed this workshop due to illness but the class were asked to map the body/movements etc using restricted materials of powder paint, pins, string etc. To catch up in my own time I have looked at the idea of mapping shadows and recording something that was there but is no longer.

The Internet as an Art Tool

In this workshop we explored different ways that the internet can be used to make, share and document art. We explored websites used to make collaborative collages, randomly find youtube videos and also draw collaboratively and over videos. I particularly liked the collage we made as a class…where each person started with one google image…

Train Journey

In this workshop we explored the blurring of boundaries between different disciplines, materials, techniques, genres, concepts, themes and how one idea could lead to another using the metaphor of a train journey. We made a collaborative installation as a class, using bits of map, postcards, string, cardboard and train track to show how all areas/themes…

Contingency Workshop

In this workshop we explored the concept that nothing remains and looked at the themes of uncertainty, change, chance and impermanence. Artists that work with these ideas include Erwin Wurms ‘one minute sculpture’, Andy Goldsworthy, Keith Tyson and Fischli and Weiss. Collaboratively as a class we took it in turns to randomly generate words/themes from…

Expanding Boundaries

Our studio 1 project is based around the theme of ‘expanding boundaries’ – ideas I could explore for this project are: the boundary between artist and the viewer – Les Meninas Who decides what is art and what’s not art? – Tracey Emin, Gabriel Orozco Using materials differently – the cross over between disciplines Where…