
The first type of printing we did was with our fingerprints on acetate in order to make a tonal representation of our chosen image. We also experimented with relief printing with the press and I also did some experiments with this at home by hand. I then worked into these relief prints that were made…

Backover Bitmaps

For our backcover we had to choose a coloured image which we would then separate into 4 colours. I made my ‘Harry Legge’ author by merging together separate body parts and then flattening the image. I also used black text for the writing as this colour would be easier to print. When making the colour…

Photoshop Front Cover

I collected images for my front cover from google and made handbags by merging/cutting/copying/pasting images of body parts, zips and handles together. I made each of the ‘bodybags’ in separate canvases and then once i had flattened them, I pasted them all into one canvas in order to arrange them before flattening the image. Once…

Compound Words

For this project we have been asked to create a book based on a compound word of our choice – i chose ‘bodybag’. I began by thinking of words associated with this in order to begin making collages. The literal definition of a body bag is obviously to transport bodies whereas separately it could beĀ …