Ceramic Shoes

I started my project by making a series of ceramic shoes; using earthenware paper clay slabs to use the clay almost like leather. The shoes were inspired by the artist Gwen Murphy who gives shoes a persona – my shoes however were made to have tongues. This work was based on a dream of shoes…

Update and a Trip To London

After a trip to the Tate Modern last Wednesday to see the Rauschenberg exhibition, I’ve had a rethink about the theme behind my work for this project. I was initially going to work with confessions as I liked the idea of exploring and expanding on the subconscious and the conscious…however, I’ve decided that ‘dreams’ is…

Book Making

In total I made six books – I followed bookmaking tutorials from the internet and experimented with a different for each one. The first book I made was from recycled materials – I sewed together 4 pieces of corrugated cardboard packaging which I covered with my prints, receipts and pieces of magazines. I also backed…


For one of the pages in our books we made a popup/pop out in illustrator which was then cut out using the lasercutter. I did this by arranging a silhouette of a skull and a bag handle which I turned into silhouettes in Photoshop. I also merged text together into one shape and then removed…

Screen Printing

For each backover and front cover image that we had made into a bitmap we had to transfer them onto a screen with photosensitive emulsion and then print them 10 times each. The front cover was the most sraightforward as we had to print it just black and white and didn’t have to worry too…


In illustrator we explored making patterns from silhouettes by using the autotrace tool and then layering, rotation and resizing the images. I created a repeat pattern from hands and ribcages as this worked well due to the symmetry of the bodyparts. I looked at the work of Damien Hirst, Bohyun Yoon and Noble and Webster…