
Lisa kindly offered to take me and a few of the girls from ceramics to have a look around her studio and the rest of Fireworks. Fireworks is like a bigger version of Baseart and has been running for roughly 20 years with 17 artists currently having residencies there. Again they pay a monthly fee…

Just For Fun

Here are some more pieces that I have been making during the classes – again using the different oxides. The castle piece I made was inspired by one of the artists (Vicky) who works quite small – usually I work big so I wanted to challenge myself. I then used some of the oxide washes…

Painted Figures

I have been researching ways to paint my figures both using ceramic glazes/slips and acrylic paint. At Baseart I have experimented with using slips but for my uni project I have decided to use acrylic paint so that the colours and texture of the paint is continuous from the ceramics onto whatever mixed media materials…

Learning About Materials

All the materials that Susan orders from Bath Potters to be used in the classes are bought according to the temperatures of the kilns. As Baseart currently own only three kilns it is important for Susan to manage this by restricting the glazes that the students used so that work can be fired together –…

Experimenting with Slips

I made this piece using clay slabs similar to what I have been making at uni exploring the figure through abstracted forms. Once I had made this on a friday afternoon, I then painted it using the coloured slips that Susan has pre-mixed on the following thursday during class. You apply the slips once the…

Creating a Line-Up

I have been thinking about what I want to display for the exhibition, how I might do this and how many pieces I will be making. The tutors suggested in my recent tutorial that I need to begin thinking about display ideas and also about the size of the pieces I am making… The beauty…