Mental Health and The Arts

I’ve been doing some more research over the last few days about the relationship between art and mental health, specifically how the arts can be used/are being used to promote positive mental health and wellbeing during the Coronavirus. On Monday I attended an event at the Green Ribbon Arts Festival online, where a panel discussed…

Lockdown Masks

Since my last post, I have moved away from drawing portraits of myself (as I felt it was quite insular and I was stuck in a bit of a creative block!) and have set myself the challenge of creating a ‘lockdown mask’ each day of the Welsh National Lockdown (23rd October – 9th November), using…

Portrait of Self

On Saturday, our class had a virtual catch-up and it was really good to talk through our ideas and just feel connected during these strange times… with most of the learning being online due to Covid-19, I think these chats are going to be really useful to share things we’ve found useful and to act…

Arts, Health and Wellbeing: Initial Thoughts

After graduating from the Art Practice BA at USW, I’ve spent the last 10 months as an Arts & Business Cymru Creative Intern at the Royal Welsh College where I have been part of their fundraising team. I am due to start the second part of this internship, at Hijinx Theatre, in November, alongside my…