Artist Research

My tutorial on Thursday put me in contact with several artists who have used/are using masks as an art form: Nathalie Talec: uses sculpture, photography, video, drawing and performance to develop her works which are based on the theme of coldness and inspired by the tales of explorers such as Paul-Emile Victor. In the 1980s…

The Start of Some Participatory Work!

This week I’ve started something exciting – the beginning of what will hopefully shape some sort of participatory project! To begin with, I’ve invited a small group of people (including my university peers and family) to send me an image of them wearing a mask they have created using objects/materials from their surroundings. The idea…

The effects of Covid-19 on Mental Health

As I’m beginning to explore the potential for participatory work, I thought it would be a good idea to research the effect Covid-19 is having on people’s mental health and how different groups of people in the UK are experiencing the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown and how this is affecting some groups’ mental health…

Lockdown Masks (Update)…

I am now on day 30 of my lockdown masks and (surprisingly) still feel that there is a lot more I can explore… whether or not I will continue to post them on social media once the England Lockdown is over, I’m not sure….but what I do know is that there is definitely still a…

Getting in the ‘Flow’

It’s been a little while since my last post, and since then I’ve started a new job at Hijinx Theatre so things are definitley busier now! As a result, I’ve found it difficult to get into a ‘flow’ – something we discussed in our last online lecture about Creativity and Lived Experience. Below is a…