
Greta Ayto, 25,  is a Cornish artist based in South Wales. Greta is a current Arts Health and Wellbeing  postgraduate student at the University of South Wales and is also an Arts & Business Cymru Creative Intern, currently working as a Fundraiser for Hijinx Theatre, Cardiff.

Specialising in abstract figurative drawing and ceramics, her practice focuses on the human condition and modern day issues such as consumerism and celebrity culture. Inspired by  African masks and artists such as Picasso, Matthew Monahan and Thomas Houseago, Greta aims to form a link between her 2d and 3d languages.

Currently, her work explores the postive benefits of mask-making and surrealist techniques, such as collage and nonsense poetry, to express and self-reflect on individual experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic. At the point of writing this, her online exhibition, ‘Masked: Expression in Covid-19′, has over 250 views. Her next project as part of her studies, will explore how emerging adults’ (18-29 year olds) transition into adulthood has been affected by the Pandemic, and aims to connect, encourage and resonate through opening a space for reflection, conversation and creativity.


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