M-Ask Yourself Work in Progress

Over the last few months I’ve been experimenting with something which is very new to me – animation! I’ve been using Adobe Animate and Premiere Pro to experiment with different styles of key frame animation, as part of the development of my practice for the M-Ask Yourself project which aims to showcase the individual pandemic…

M-Ask Yourself

Hello! It’s been a little while since I last did one these and I thought I’d update you all on the exciting new project I’ve been working on as part of my MA Arts Health and Wellbeing studies. M-Ask Yourself is a 3-week arts project that will explore mask-making and collage to express emerging adults’…

The Final Display of Masked: Expression in Covid-19

The wearing facemasks to stop the spread of COVID-19 is a strange addition to our ‘new normal’ and has dramatically changed  how we interact with the world and with each other. However, this covering of the mouth and nose, while unusual, lends itself to new artistic interpretation and self-expression. For the last seven months, I…

Development: More Experiments and Display Ideas

As I begin to think about display, I want to first reflect on the work I have created up until this point… Firstly, we have the masks as objects that I have made to express certain things I associate with lockdown – these have been inspired by tribal masks (e.g. traditional Witch Doctor Masks) as…

Past, Present and Future

I’d been feeling slightly out of touch with my creative practice recently due to a break over Christmas and focusing so heavily on the Presentation and Essay as part of our theory module. I felt that the recent work I had done, making masks which explored my persona and shadow during Covid-19 were slightly deviating…

Development Ideas

Leading on from my last blogpost, I have experimented with creating some masks as objects rather than to be worn, and have also been experimenting with making more ‘traditional’ looking masks to explore my persona and shadow. These mask experiments I made using cardboard, acrylic paint and string were inspired by Native American traditional masks…

Lockdown Masks – The Final Collection

And my participants masks! Evaluation: Reflecting on the series of Masks I have made, particularly in relation to the Carl Jung’s Analytical Psychology theory of the psyche which I have been looking at as part of my research, I have noticed a few things that I wasn’t aware of whilst making the masks… Jung’s theory…

Mask-Making and Mental Health Case Studies

As I’m beginning to narrow down my focus, I felt it would be useful to research some case studies that have used/are using masks to explore and discuss mental health. First is the project Collectarium, a publishing platform that creates design activities and engages new ways of seeing and was co-founded by Allyson Waller and…