
Lisa kindly offered to take me and a few of the girls from ceramics to have a look around her studio and the rest of Fireworks. Fireworks is like a bigger version of Baseart and has been running for roughly 20 years with 17 artists currently having residencies there. Again they pay a monthly fee…

Just For Fun

Here are some more pieces that I have been making during the classes – again using the different oxides. The castle piece I made was inspired by one of the artists (Vicky) who works quite small – usually I work big so I wanted to challenge myself. I then used some of the oxide washes…

Learning About Materials

All the materials that Susan orders from Bath Potters to be used in the classes are bought according to the temperatures of the kilns. As Baseart currently own only three kilns it is important for Susan to manage this by restricting the glazes that the students used so that work can be fired together –…

Experimenting with Slips

I made this piece using clay slabs similar to what I have been making at uni exploring the figure through abstracted forms. Once I had made this on a friday afternoon, I then painted it using the coloured slips that Susan has pre-mixed on the following thursday during class. You apply the slips once the…

Finished Work

  These are the finished pieces that I have been working on during the evening classes and friday afternoons. I am really happy with the results and have enjoyed working and trying new techniques. For the flat mask – I used a mixture of red iron oxide and titanium oxide that I applied one coat…

“My Street” Workshop

On Saturday 10th myself and Susan Zeppellini lead a workshop in partnership with Sonig and Youth Arts (RCT arts service) – this is an organisation run by the council who are doing projects with local families in order to encourage them to take part in activities together and experience more things as a family. The…

132 Bus Art Gold Rush – 9/3/18

As a partnership with the 132 Stagecoach gold bus route, Baseart and 2 other businesses (HuwDale Photography Studio and Workers Art Gallery)  hosted an event in order to advertise their business as well as encourage people to use public transport. Each venue had workshops or open studios which myself, Susan, Erika Chick and Jessica Greenaway…

Evening Workshops Continued

  In today’s workshop I felt more at ease as the group has started to get used to be taking part and perhaps feel more comfortable asking me questions. However, they all mainly know the basics now so don’t need as much guidance and most questions are directed at Susan. However, the older students are…

Evening Workshops

  I have started attending Susan’s evening classes on Thursdays from 5.30-8pm. This class usually has a maximum of 7 people but today it was only 4 – the students are a range of ages and are all beginners who had been doing the workshops for a few weeks before I started. Like the majority…

Continuing my Masks

I’ve finished making one mask which I am waiting to dry out before bisque firing. I am then going to speak to Susan about glazes as they have a range here including some I haven’t used before so it will be interesting to experiment. I have also started working on a more 3d piece still…