More Shoe Experiments

Leading on from my previous shoe sculptures, I decided to make some more experimental pieces with the shoes I had left. This involved a plaster cast hand emerging from a shoe and painting onto my ceramic shoe. Out of the two I think the mixture of readymade shoes with other materials and paint works better…

Mixed Media Shoe Sculpture

  For this sculpture, I thought more about the materials I chose and how I could manipulate them to make the viewer perhaps feel discomfort or unsettled. I feel like as a result this piece is far more successful in representing my dream and the language of the piece is therefore stronger. I used an…

Found Objects in Painting and Sculpture

From the list of artists I was given to look at in my tutorial these two caught my eye: Rachel Harrison – Uses found objects including polysterene, cardboard boxes etc, to create surreal sculptures which she then paints on (pictured below).   and… Alexandra Bircken – particularly her pieces where she has sliced found objects…

Reflection… Can We Truly Represent The Unconscious?

After watching  yesterday’s programme on Surrealism it made me think about the my own work and how to move forward with it. When I showed my shoe paintings to my tutor, we discussed that although it works well as an image it doesn’t serve its purpose in representing my dream or making the viewer feel…

Painting My Shoes

Moving on from my work with ceramic shoes, I wanted to also experiment with using readymades. I used bits of old wood, polystyrene, nails, wire mesh, net, bulbs and my old boots. I then painted with blocks of colour to separate the composition and then drew and scratched into the paint with various words, symbols…

Ceramic Shoes

I started my project by making a series of ceramic shoes; using earthenware paper clay slabs to use the clay almost like leather. The shoes were inspired by the artist Gwen Murphy who gives shoes a persona – my shoes however were made to have tongues. This work was based on a dream of shoes…

Update and a Trip To London

After a trip to the Tate Modern last Wednesday to see the Rauschenberg exhibition, I’ve had a rethink about the theme behind my work for this project. I was initially going to work with confessions as I liked the idea of exploring and expanding on the subconscious and the conscious…however, I’ve decided that ‘dreams’ is…

Collaborative Cooking Art

In this workshop we made a curry as a class to explore cooking as a community and how this can be recorded. The main focus for this was to work together and focus on the process rather than the final product – each of us bought ingredients and had set roles – I bought peppers…