Carbon Footprint

This is the finished piece for my work based on the idea of the human trace we leave on the planet through our use of plastics… I used plaster casts of plastic packaging and carrier bags to represent this and displayed them in the shape of a shoe tread. I chose this shape as I…

Fire and Ice

Looking at the ways in which I could use carrier bags other than plaster casting, I’ve researched the artists Karla Black and Vilde Rolfsen who both use only carrier bags in some of their work but both use them in different ways. Ive also begun looking at ways I could display my plaster casts and…

Foot Prints

I’ve begun looking at the idea of casting the bottoms of shoes in plaster and them subsequently representing the human trace/carbon footprint. I have also experimented with changing the logos of shoes to logos of consumerist companies (such as VW, Coco Cola… who all have large carbon footprints) through carving into the clay mould and…

Plaster Packaging

  As an experiment I decided to cast some packaging in plaster – I used objects such as bubble wrap, plastic bags and polystyrene. I think the plastic bags and bubble wrap are particularly interesting as they made quite organic shapes out of something which is something man-made…this idea got me thinking about the the…

Tracing Texture

I began looking at the idea of tracing objects through wax rubbing and plaster casting, specifically looking at the work of Rachel Whiteread and the surrealist technique of frottage that Max Ernst used to create grounds for his work.   I have also begun thinking about the significance of what these objects are cast in….

Developing My Response

Ideas so far for developing my own response to our installation group project  – cubism – overlapping still life images from various viewpoints in order to make an abstract image – the objects then become a trace of themselves as they can only vaguely be distinguished. these could then be relayed into sculptural pieces?

Group Installation Finished Piece

For the finished piece we decided to have the sewing machine in the centre on a table with which we set up to look like a dressmakers studio containing various objects that the viewers could then use to trace around. We also had a shelf and table full of other miscellaneous objects for the viewers…

Installation Group Project

Group Installation Project with Myself, Morgan and Juliette   The theme for this project is display, so thinking mainly about how the artwork ‘sits’ in a place and what the effect of this is…For this part of the project we were asked to make an installation as a group in our set spaces. Initially we…