Final Ceramic Forms

I chose to glaze two of my ceramic objects to explore how the glaze would make them look and also to make the colours and black outlines appear stronger. The piece I chose not to glaze was the one I felt was the strongest when it had only been bisque fired so I didn’t glaze…

Final Painting

For my painting on canvas I chose to work in a more abstract style and focus more on line, shape and colour rather than spatial relativity and realistic perspective. I researched the artists Picasso and Ben Nicholson before doing this and feel that this more abstract style suited the subject that I was painting and…

Making a Canvas

In this class we made our own canvases to paint our final painting of our ceramic pieces as a group installation. We made them and stretched the canvas over this and then primed them with 2 coats of thinned PVA and then thixotropic alkyd primer (oil based). Prior to completing the painting I researched Picasso’s…

Transparent and Opaque Paintings

For these sessions we created paintings on boards of a still life installation using two different palettes. The first piece was made using an opaque palette with the colours yellow ochre, black, white and burnt sienna. I preferred the colours of this palette as opposed to the transparent one as I found it easier to…

Underglazing and Bisque Firing

I chose to underglaze my sculptures with sections of 3 Picasso paintings. We used view finders to select these sections in order to make it more ambiguous and the paintings be unrecognisable. The first piece I painted came out quite bright once it had been bisque fired (firing to fuse the paint to the clay…

Making the 3 Forms

When making the 3 forms in paper clay I developed my ideas form the maquettes I had made as I felt certain shapes worked better…this meant that a few of my pieces look slightly different to the maquettes as I changed and combined certain aspects that had worked and fused them together for the larger…

Colourful Greys Painting

In this session we had to place one of white maquettes inside a white box which had one red coloured side. We then had to paint this on board which we had primed with white acrylic primer. We weren’t allowed to draw the object first and we also had to use only colourful greys in order…

Oil Paint Introduction

This week we have explored the viscosity of paint (thin and fat) by adding oil, turps, white spirit and wax, as well as techniques including applying wet paint onto dry and impasto. We used these techniques to recreate sections from a variety of paintings. We also explored the use of colour through mixing harmonic ranges…

Maquette Making

In this session we made our little maquettes inspired by the forms we had sketched based on our trip to Oxford. I made 7 in total so I have a few forms to choose from – I explored organic forms as well as geometric shapes and then combining the two. I felt the organic shapes…

Introduction to Ceramics

In this session we covered the basics of ceramic techniques including slab rolling, coiling, using grog to make the clay have more stretch potential and the health and safety aspects of using the ceramics room. We also began to sketch ideas and think about objects we could make inspired by our previous trip to London….