
So far, most of my work has some how reflected how I personally feel about a certain subject or emotion. I think part of this is to do with the process in which I make my work – I think particularly with my sculptures the energy and way I interact with the materials helps me…

Prop-Position Final Piece

For my final piece I decided to make a jumper out of chicken wire. I then later developed this and used wool, garden string, modroc plaster strips and expanding foam. I chose to make a jumper because in the tasks that we had done previously, all my objects were linked to the human body and…

Bourgeois – Research

Louise Bourgeois is another artist who uses a range of materials to express different psychological moods and life experiences. Her work is very influenced by her traumatic childhood, especially her father’s infidelity. Her often sexually explicit and her focus on the 3d form were rare for women artists of that time. Her work transforms her experiences…

Eva Hesse – Research

“I am interested in solving an unknown factor of art and an unknown factor of life. In fact, my idea is to counteract everything I’ve ever learned or been taught about those things – to find something that is inevitable that is my life, my feeling, my thoughts.” Eva Hesse I’ve decided to research the…

Thoughtful Paintings

This is a technique I learnt on my foundation course. It is similar to Jackson Pollock’s action painting in the way that instead of actually painting a subject you paint for the act of painting. For these paintings I put a range of colours onto my palette and tried to paint without thinking about what…

Drawing from Touch

For these self portraits I drew from the sense of touch without looking at the paper. I feel like these portraits (although not proportionately accurate) are more truthful than if I had drawn from a photo or by looking in a mirror because I think that by using those techniques we often draw what we…

Newspaper Memories

As another part of our material project we were asked to do a task on memories. We had to recall an accident and then as we were asked questions the memory would change and become more like a dream. We were then asked to write down a menu of objects from this task. My objects…

Silent Walk

We went on a silent walk through the park opposite uni. This encouraged us to look more closely at textures and shapes. We had to sketch and write done interesting things we found e.g. lines, textures, feelings, text, history, sounds  and changes. This then helped us with our next task of choosing an item from…

Wood workshop

This is the window we’ve made as a group. This is possibly going to be used as a prop in order to present our material project. Possibly some sort of shop installation is in the pipe line?

Prop-Position (Research)

Here are some artists whose work I have been looking at for this project. Holly Levell began ‘Supermarket Stitch’ as part of her final year project for her textiles degree. I found it interesting how she changes the way we view these everyday objects just by changing the feel of it form solid to soft….